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순수한 사랑(3)

Views : 4,052 2024-07-23 12:49
자유게시판 1275534162
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다운증후군을 앓고 있는 남동생을 향한 형과 동생의 순수한 사랑

질의 중... 30초 정도 걸려요 ...
  본 글을 신고하시겠습니까?
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44JJ2016 [쪽지 보내기] 2024-07-23 13:05 No. 1275534167
In a world that sometimes feels divided, there's a special bond that stands unbreakable – the bond between brothers.

This heartwarming moment captures an older brother expressing his unwavering love for his gorgeous younger brother who has Down syndrome. Their bond is a testament to the strength of family, the beauty of empathy, and the power of unconditional love.

No matter the challenges, the love between siblings can light up the darkest days and bring a smile to anyone's face. Let's celebrate these precious moments and remind ourselves to cherish and support our loved ones every single day. 。⁠◕⁠‿⁠◕⁠。

만달유 [쪽지 보내기] 2024-07-25 14:58 No. 1275534583
한국영감님과 손자뻘필리피나 얘기나올까봐 조마조마했네
44JJ2016 [쪽지 보내기] 2024-07-26 12:07 No. 1275534742
@ 만달유 님에게...


빵~ 터졌어요. ㅋㅋㅋ

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